Last updated: August 9, 2011
Recommended Books Getting MS-Project Sample MS-Project Plans Other MS-Project Resources *
Sample SOWs & Charters Example SDPs Other Samples & Templates * Project Methodology
Project Management Software * Other Software Tools Development Methodology * WBS
Scheduling & Estimating * PERT/CPM Requirements * Risk Management
Software Metrics Earned Value Analysis Quality Assurance (QA) Sample QA Docs
Contract Management Team Management Configuration Management Release/Deploy Process
transition & Closure Project Recovery CMM ROI
PM Blogs & Social Networks PM Organizations PM Events * Portfolio Management
Certification URLs of Interest * Premium PM Sites PM Magazines
Podcasts* PM Glossary/Dictionary Other/Misc Links * Getting a PM Job *
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Course Q7503: Principles of Software Project Management

Instructor: John Musser

Questions or comments on this site? Email me at:

Syllabus Required Texts Class Notes Assigned URLs
» Syllabus (html version)
» Syllabus (60K MS-Word file)
Required Texts
» McConnell, Steve, "Rapid Development"
» Schwalbe, Kathy, "Information Technology Project Management"
Class Notes
» Session 1 (375K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 2 (590K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 3 (630K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 4 (460K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 5 (450K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 6 (235K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 7 (105K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 8 (540K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 9 (325K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 10 (170K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 11 (195K MS-PowerPoint file)
» Session 12 (164K MS-PowerPoint file)

(PowerPoint viewer for those who don't have PowerPoint)

URLs assigned as required reading
» For class 3, briefly review the Sample Software Development Plan from the companion site to McConnell's "Software Project Survival Guide"
» For class 9: Read Earned Value Plain & Simple
Recommended Books
» Brooks, Frederick P., "The Mythical Man-Month" (an all-time classic, read a version at
» DeMarco, Tom, "Peopleware" (terrific on how to handle people issues)
» McConnell, Steve, "Software Project Survival Guide" (very thin but to the point)
» Futrell, Shafer, Shafer; "Quality Software Project Management" (extremely thorough and well-written)
» Kerzner, Harold, "Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 8th Ed." ("bible" of general project management; textbook-ish)
» Larman, Craig, "Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide", excellent overview and comparison of agile development approaches
» Larman, Craig, "Applying UML and Patterns, 3rd Ed.", the best introduction to OO analysis, design, and UML available (with more at his site)
» Highsmith, Jim, "Agile Project Management : Creating Innovative Products", readable blend of Agile software development and PM technique
» Wysocki, Robert, "Effective Project Management, 3rd Ed.", good introductory PM book
» Berkun, Scott, "The Art of Project Management", terrific, readable, witty, comprehensive
» Lauesen, Soren, "Software Requirements: Styles and Techniques", good comparitive overview of requirements techniques
» Rothman, Johanna; Derby, Esther , "Behind Closed Doors Secrets of GreatManagement", a recommended guide to management skills for PM's
* Stellman, Andrew; Greene, Jennifer , "Applied Software Project Management", very practical project management advice (new O'Reilly title)
Microsoft Project

Product home page at Microsoft

» MicrosoftProject

Books with trial Version

» Chatfield, "Microsoft Office Project 2003 Step by Step" $19.79 at amazon (covers basics well, lots of pictures)
» Stover, "Microsoft Project 2003 Inside Out" $32.99 at amazon (hefty reference from Microsoft Press)

Buying MS Project

» $69.98 for MS-Project 2003 Standard (with student ID)
» $513.99 for MS-Project 2003 Standard
» Discount pricing for non-profits at
MS-Project Plans
» Very good samples at Department of Energy (DOE), scroll to bottom
» Sample Software Schedule (.zip containing .mpp file) at (McConnel's Survival Guide)
» RUP-oriented software project plan (.zip containing .mpp file), also with Use Case and Project Charter templates (from "Developing Applications with Java and UML" by Paul R. Reed, Jr.)
Other MS-Project Resources
» Usenet/Deja discussion group microsoft.public.project (at Google)
» Discussion Forum on MS-Project questions
» Creating MS-Project Templates
» Using MS-Project Filters
» Understanding MS-Project Constraints
» Very good MS Project tutorials by Mike Glen
» Project-related downloads at Microsoft's site
» MPA: the Microsoft Project Association (formerly MPUG)
Sample SOW and Project Charter Docs
» Sample Statement of Work (Mill Group Multimedia Corp)
» Complex SOW (.mil)
» Project Charter: definition and example (at MIT)
» Sample Project Charter: Eclipse Tools
» Project Charter description from Canada's treasury CIO branch (or view complete version)
» Sample Project Charter at (Steve McConnell's site)
» Sample Project Charter (
» How to Write an RFP for a Web Project
Sample Software Development Plans
» Sample Software Development Plan (Word DOC) at
» Sample Project Plan including charter (State of CA)
» Sample Software Development Plan from this companion site to McConnell's "Software Project Survival Guide"
» Sample Software Project Plan from R.S.Pressman & Associates Inc. "Adaptive Process Model"
» Example development plan from a .mil project (C-SAWS)
» Good example development plan from DOE
» Very good sample RUP Plan (PDF)
Other Project Documents (free)
» PM Templates and Checklists at State of Texas (with good Risk Factors lists)
» Excellent collection of PM and Software Development documents, templates and checklists (.doc/.mpp files) at Department of Energy (DOE)
» Software Project Survival Guide documents
» Phases and associated documents (at EPRI corp)
» Good misc document templates from dkjest (also includes links to PMBOK PDFs) at Phil Wolff's site
» Many project management examples, checklists, and templates from Washington State Dept of IS
» Sample project documents at State of NC office
» Sample requirements/analysis document templates at (based on book "Software Requirements")
* Variety of PM templates: Plans, Schedules, Requirements, QA and others. From O'Reilly authors Stellman and Greene.
Project Methodology
» Full PMI PMBOK (PDF), older 1996 edition, details on new 2004 edition here
» PRINCE2, Projects in Controlled Environments, from the UK's Office of Government Commerce (OGC)
» Good presentation comparing PMBOK and PRINCE2
» Sample Project Management Methodology (PMM) at State of Michigan (with document templates)
» Example project lifecycle of a software consultant/vendor (CDD Inc)
» Sample lifecycle for small-to-medium database applications from the consultancy Elucidata Sercices
» Project Management Best Practices from the Giga Research group
» Safety First: Avoiding Software Mishaps and Software Safety by the Numbers on managing safety-critical software projects
» Process On Demand from BOT International, set of Sarbanes-Oxley compliant PM/PMO processes (w/other resources such as PM Tip of the Week)
* Method123 MPMM: a large set of PM templates and related PM methodology from vendor Method123.
* Prince2 User Group: a support resource for the Prince2 method.
Project Management Software
» Microsoft Project, the project management software with largest market share
» eProject a leading web-based hosted ASP solution
» Open Workbench an 'Open source alternative to MS Project', formerly Project Workbench from Niku Corp
» Milestones Simplicity and their Professional product
» AMS Realtime
» Primavera Project Manager
» Artemis 7 and Artemis Views
» Good index and links to project management software and useful software (including Excel based tools)
» Nice review from TechRepublic comparing low-cost PM tools: Project Kickstart, MinuteMan, PlanBee, ProjeX, Mission Manager, Intellisys Project Desktop
» Fasttrack Schedule from ACE Software, good graphic output and Mac support
» ProSight high-end portfolio management tools
» UMT project portfolio management software and consulting specialists
» Clarity portfolio management and governance tools from Niku
» Business Engine portfolio management web-based tool suite
» Auego5 portfolio management tools (European-based)
» Software Lifecycle tool suite from QSM for estimation, tracking and analysis (lots of metrics)
» i-lign PM tools with focus on business alignment, from New Zealand startup
» Artifact a pay-as-you-go service for managing outsourced software development projects
» Short outline of PM Tools
» Intellisys Project Desktop a low-cost cross-platform PM tool (supports Linux, Mac, Windows)
» Open source PM tools: OpenSched, Projectory, jxProject a free advertising supported product, Tucows list of Linux PM tools
» QMind team collaboration platform supporing e-learning and PM
» Clockware web-based time tracking with MS Project integration
» Vertabase Pro, web-based project management suite
» More open source project management software: Imendio Planner for GNOME desktop, GanttProject at
» GForge, open source tool for team collaboration, code mgmt, etc (derived from SourceForge codebase)
» iToolsControl, web-based portfolio management tools (New Zealand based company)
» @task desktop and enterprise project management package
» MindManager, great brainstorming and visualization tool. Useful for PMs.
» Business Arts, a set of Excel-based planning tools
* Goplan, flexible, useful online project management system. Free and paid plans.
Other Project Management Software and Tools

Many of these I have not used in practice so I'm not "vouching" for them here, just want you to know they exist. Many have downloadable trial versions if you want to test-drive them (they often integrate in some way with MS-Project).

» Project Kickstart a brainstorming and early planning tool
» WBS Chart Pro and PERT Chart EXPERT from Critical Tools
» Timesheet Professional project-oriented time and activity tracking
» A "Project Control Panel" (graphically interesting; maybe of limited real value)
» iTeamwork free web-based, low-end PM tool
» FogBugz very good, web-based bug/feature/PM product from Fog Creek Software (Joel Spolsky)
» BaseCamp, interesting low-cost hosted service (ASP)
» Plan on the, another example of web-based project management software
» BPS Project, web-native PM collaboration software
» offers online tools for PM and virtual team collaboration
» eTaskMaker from InterPlan Systems, specializing in oil/petrol industry
» Listing of "Software Engineering" Tools like CASE tools (but not PM specific-tools)
» Comparison of Free/Open Source Project Hosting sites
* Side Job track, web-based tool for managing 'side jobs'
Development Methodology
» Lots of links on development methodologies at Cetus Links
» Leading Agile Methodologies: Extreme Programming, Scrum, Crystal Clear, Feature Driven Development (FDD)
» RUP: Rational Unified Process (RUP) at IBM (Rational acquired in 2002)
» Planning An Iterative Project (by Phillippe Krutchen at Rational)
» Extreme Methodologies for an Extreme World
» A Rational Development Process by Philippe Kruchten in Crosstalk magazine
» story on XP "Totally Awesome Software?"
» "The Case Against XP"
» "Taking Programming to the Extreme" on agile methods at MIT Review
» Heavyweight vs. Lightweight Methodologies
» Links to many leading methodologies
» Don't Say the "P" Word editorial on Processes
» The Spiral Model as a Tool for Evolutionary Acquisition
» Agile Software Development for the Entire Project, a Crosstalk article on agile techniques across team roles
» WBS: History and overview
» NASA Tools for WBS
» Build Your WBS With Microsoft Project at
Scheduling and Estimating
» See also Software Metrics section below for Function Points, COCOMO, etc.
» Parametric Cost Estimating Handbook (from NASA)
» Crosstalk Magazine with good Estimation articles: from the DoD
» Estimation Games People Play
» 10 Deadly Sins of Software Estimation by Steve McConnell (requires free registration)
» Software Cost Estimation in 2002 by Capers Jones, Crosstalk magazine
» Ideas on Estimating Web Development Costs (from Crosstalk magazine)
» SCEW: Software Cost Estimation Web Site
» Estimating Software Costs from SD Magazine (requires paid registration), Part 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
» Parametric Estimating Handbook
» Estimating Software Costs Griffith University lecture notes
» How to Defend an Unpopular Schedule
» Links to cost estimation tools
» "Reducing Bias in Software Project Estimates" from Crosstalk magazine
» To Err is Human, To Estimate, divine, an Information Week review of 2 estimation products: Cost Xpert and KnowledgePlan
» Estimating Object-Oriented Software Projects with Use Cases well-written, but long thesis paper (read sect 1-3)
» Estimation of Effort Based on Use Cases in iterative, fixed-cost projects at Rational Software
» Painless Software Scheduling, very good essay and technique from Joel Spolsky
* Schedule Chicken, fun but insightful blog post from Jim Carson
PERT, CPM, Network Analysis
» PERT Practice from Mark Kelly at McKinnon College in AU
» O-R Models for Network Analysis (operations research quant-oriented view into PERT/CPM), with Tutorial questions
» Recommended Requirements Gathering Practices
» Requirements Engineering as a Success Factor in Software Projects
» Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design one of many good books by Gerald M. Weinberg
» Volere Requirements Resources, UK-based site with templates, links and other resources on requirements
» JAD on Shoestring Budget (with good links to other JAD resources)
» Systems Analysis Web Sites
» 10 Requirements traps to Avoid
» Reducing Risks Through Proper Specification of Software Requirements
» Requirements Risks Can Drown Software Projects
» Writing Software Requirements Specifications at TECHWR-L, site for technical writers
» Sample requirements document at EPRI
» Sample requirements document at
» with lots of Use Case resources
» Example CRUD Matrix
» Automating Requirements Management review of leading RM tools
» Requirements software: Telelogic DOORS, market leading requirements management tool
» Requirements software: Rational's RequisitePro targeted for RUP-based environments
» Requirements software: Borland's CaliberRM collaborative requirements management system
» Requirements software: iRise requirements 'visualization' software
» Requirements software: eRequirements, specialized tool from small startup
» Requirements software: a web-based, hosted requirements management application
* Requirements software: Simunication online requirements visualization software
* Requirements software: Accept Software with unique collaboration capabilities and automatic MRD and PRD generation
Risk Management
» Introduction to Risk & Risk Managment in Software Projects
» Keep Your Project on track via risk mgmt with Top-10 Risk List example (SD Magazine)
» Know Your Enemy: Software Risk Management (at Process Impact, a good software process site)
» Klogging Project Risk with very nice Excel spreadsheet for risk management
» Checklist of Common Schedule Risks (from McConnell)
» Risk Management in the SDLC
» Risk Management Fundamentals in Software Development from Crosstalk magazine
» Assessing Softare Risk from Crosstalk magazine
» Example Top 10 Risk List from McConnell's Survival Guide
Software Metrics
» Fundamentals of Function Point Analysis from Int'l Function Point Users's Group
» Function Point FAQ
» Overview of various software metrics
» Using Function Points to Govern Outsourced Applications
» Book: Function Point Analysis Garmus & Herron
» Function Points for "humorous" buttons
» Function Points Manual (complete 100 page detailed tutorial)
» NIST paper giving overview of software metrics
» Web-based Metrics Tools including simple Java-based Function Point calculator, COCOMO, and CMM tools
» Software by the Numbers: An Overview of the Software Metrics Landscape
» Basic Performance Measurement (.doc format) from DOE
» Guidelines for Software Measurement (.doc format) from DOE
» Focusing Measurement on Manager's Information Needs
» "IT Metrics for Success" article from InformationWeek
» Let the Numbers Do the Talking comparison of measurements across languages & industries
Earned Value Analysis
» Earned Value Web Site at Office of Under Secretary of Defense, with good training Center
» Earned Value, Clear and Simple (PDF)
» Earned Value Terms Used in MS-Project
» Earned Value in MS-Project 2000 at
» Gaining Confidence in Using ROI and Earned Value at Crosstalk Magazine
» Earned Value Project Management at Crosstalk Magazine
» Analysis of Earned Value Data
» Software Project Planning, Statistics, and Earned Value from Crosstalk magazine
Testing/Quality Assurance (QA) General
» Detailed Introduction to Software Testing
* History's Worst Software Bugs
» Software QA FAQ at Rick Hower's Software QA/Test Resource Center
» They Write the Right Stuff article from Fast Company on NASA's software development methods
» Software Errors Cost Billions article from Reuters new service
» Surviving the Top 10 Challenges in Software Test Automation
» 200 QA Interview Questions
» QA Forums extensive testing discussion site
» Software Quality Engineer Certification Study Guide
» The Elusive Tester to Developer Ratio (and Johanna Rothman's take on same)
» Good Collection of QA articles at Rice Consulting
» Index of Web Site Monitoring Tools
» Misc web-based defect tracking:, MetaQuest Census, Scarab open-source 'artifact mgmt'
» trac, low-cost, web-based with built-in wiki (does more than defect tracking)
» Mantis, open-source defect tracking
» FogBugz from Fog Creek Software (see above in PM tools), also more than defect tracking
» Good QA Links from
» ISO 9000 In Plain English at Praxicom Research
QA Documents
» Sample Web Site Test Plan from
» Sample Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) from DOE
» Sample Test Plans from
» Sample Test Plans from
» Sample Test Plan from
Contract & Procurement Management
» Some Lessons Learned on Software Development Contracts from Crosstalk magazine
» Understanding Teaming Agreements
Team Management
» The Mix and Match Approach (CIO mag story about matrix team mgmt with rotation)
» Architect Your Effectiveness, from an interesting presentation at earlier AYE conference
» "From Project Manager to Project Leader"
» "Life, Death, and the Psychology of a Project" at Baseline magazine
Configuration Management
» CM Plans: The Beginning of Your CM Solution from SEI (CMU Software Engineering Institute)
» CM Today's CM Yellow Pages
» Sample Software Configuration Management Plans at DOE
» Sample chapter (PDF), "What is Configuration Management" from the very good book "Configuration Management Principles and Practice" by Anne Mette Jonassen Hass
Release/Deployment Process
» Sample release checklist from Steve McConnell's Survival Guide Site
Transition and Closure
» transition Plan Template from DOE (MS-Word .doc)
» Project Templates including Closure Reports with completed examples at the Tasmanian State Government
» Project Close-Out process overview from Missouri Office of IT (MS-Word .doc)
» Post Implementation Review Guideline from New South Wales Dept of Public Works, Austrailia
» Good set of Project Management templates and checklists from Arkansas Dept of IS (in Word and PDF formats)
» Excellent sample Post Implementation Review (.doc) from Queensland University, Austrailia (with other good templates)
» Close Out: The Forgotten Phase
» Interesting Post-Mortem on Development of game "Heavy Metal" from a good series on (game industry site, requires free membership)
» Society for Effective Lessons Learned Sharing (SELLS)
» Close the Project resources at the University of Washington
Project Recovery
» Case Studies in Project Recovery from Steve McConnell's "Rapid Development"
» Mathematical approach to project recovery from Crosstalk Magazine
CMM / Maturity Models
» An overview of maturity models
» Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
* SEI's CMMI IPPD: Integrated Product and Process Development and set of PowerPoints on IPPD
» PMI's OPM3 PM maturity model
» Other CMU Capability Maturity Models
» Example of how companies use CMM certification for marketing (Wipro Technologies in this case)
» Misconceptions of the Capability Maturity Model
» Surviving a CMM Assesment
» Article on how CMMI is replacing CMM
» Excellent "Understanding the Time Value of Money" articles and interactive calculators at Corporate Finance Live
» The ROI of IT collection of articles from CIO Magazine
» Another good article on the Time Value of Money at Investopedia
» A Buyer's Guide to IT Value Methodologies from CIO mag: traditional/quantitative/probablistic methods
» IT Value: Tools and Techniques, a collection of articles from CIO mag
» Artemis 7, with some interesting screenshots shown
» Links to sample business cases
» ROI for the Rest of Us (requires free membership)
» PlanView high-end PM tools vendor
» Financial Primer: ROI, NPV, Payback and IRR from
» Justifying a Business Web Site
» Realizing ROI on IT from Network Magazine (India)
» Demo of ROI Analyst a tool for sales teams to demonstrate value
» Computerworld magazine's ROI section
PM Blogs & Social Networks
» Johanna Rothman's Managing Product Development blog, always interesting
» Projectified, Brian Kennemer's excellent blog on MS Project
» Esther Derby's Software (Management) Process Improvement blog
» Hal Macomber, Reforming Project Management blog
», great advice, thought provoking & fun site Joel calls "painless software management"
» Theory Of Constraints (TOC)-centric blogs: Clarke Ching, Frank Patrick, Tony Rizzo. See AGI-Goldratt Institute for more on TOC.
» Patrick Mayfield's blog on PRINCE2 and MSP
» Glen Alleman's blog 'Herding Cats' and his comprehensive set of resources at Niwot Ridge
» Tags: PM on TagCloud
» Tags: Project+Management on Technorati
» Tags: Project+Management on Feedster
» Tags: tag "Project+Management" (and tags back to here)
* Scott Berkun's blog on PM and his excellent O'Reilly book The Art of Project Management (see also his good essays)
* Project Management Source blog with PM news, reviews and related items
PM Organizations
» Project Management Institute (PMI)
» American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (asapm)
» International Association of Project and Program Management (IAPPM)
» APM Group, UK accreditation specialist, see PPM Diploma
» Association for Project Management, Europe's largest independent PM organization, UK-based. See their APM Body of Knowledge (PDF)
PM Events*
» PMI SeminarsWorld
» PMI links to other PM-related events
» ProjectWorld Nov 15-18, 2005
Portfolio Management*
» Project Portfolio Mgmt (from CIO Magazine)
» Portfolio Management Forum run by vendor ProSight but with good discussions/articles/links
» Consider Architecture in Project Portfolio Mgmt (from CIO Magazine)
» Best Practices for Project Management Offices (PMO's)
» See also section on Project Management Software above
» PMI Certification
» CompTIA Project+ certification
* PMP Certification Group with large, activity community. Good forum and study docs in files section.
» Free PMP exam demo with 200 sample questions (requires registration)
» Rita Mulcahy's book PMP Exam Prep is pricey but very good
» PM Campus is a more established PMP training corp, with online exams and 25 question demo (signup required)
* ESI International, one of the largest global PM training companies
* American Management Association (AMA), offer both basic and advanced project management training
URLs of Interest
» Dave W Farthing's Software Project Management Links page (University of Glamorgan, UK)
» Very good articles on management and more by Johanna Rothman
» Software Development Magazine's Articles on Project Management
» PMBOK Guide Chapter 3 free (PDF)
» StickyMinds, comprehensive software development resource, mix of free and premium content
» A Project Management Pimer good overview from Nick Jenkins, a free release under Creative Commons license
» 16 Critical Software Practices at Software Program Managers Network (SPMN)
» project management tools and resources
» Comprehensive PM Dictionary at Project Auditors
» Very interesting thread on visualizing PM data at Edward Tufte's great site and his Ask E.T. Forum
» , good set of PM guidelines. From Jim McCarthy at Microsoft, author of Dynamics of Software Development
* Wikipedia's Project Management entry, with some good reference links
Sites with Premium PM Content
», online community for IT project managers, some premium/$
» Method123: Project management templates/$
» various PM resources, some premium/$
» PM resources, some premium/$
» IT resources, some PM, many premium/$
» document and project plan templates (some free to PMI members)
PM Magazines
» Baseline Magazine: Excellent monthly on PM (with an IT focus)
» PM Network: PMI's monthly magazine (partial content online)
» Crosstalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering (not just PM, but excellent resource)
» Chief Project Officer, new magazine spring 2005, "The Resource for Managing Porfolios of Projects"
» Project Management Journals and Magazines, comprehensive descriptions and links at PM Forum
» IT magazines often with PM content: CIO, Darwin, CIO Insight, Software Development (login required)
» Controlling Chaos Podcast
» Jerry Manas Monthly Project Management Series
» PM Lessons Learned Podcast
» PMI Information System SIG Podcast
» Project Management Training, Consulting & Management Training Courses by TSI, requires iTunes
» The PMO Podcast
» The Project Management Podcast
» The Project Management PrepCast
Project Management Dictionaries / Glossaries*
» Good dictionary at Project Auditors
» Project Management Glossary from Max Wideman
* "No Silver Bullet: Essense and Accidents of Software Engineering", the classic essay from Frederick P. Brooks
» 10 Budgetary Black Holes that can suck funds from your IT project budget
» The 36 Classic Mistakes by Steve McConnell (from his book "Rapid Development")
* Anatomy of a Disaster: How the FBI Blew It, InfoWorld profile of FBI's recent runaway Virtual Case File project
» SWEBOK: Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (from IEEE)
» Quantitative IT Portfolio Management (academic, highly-quantitative view of portfolio mgmt)
» "The Frameworks Quagmire, a Brief Look"
» State of CA, IT PM Guidelines
» Brandeis U Sample Charter (really more of a SPMP)
» Project Magazine, a modest site with PM-related content
» NASA's Manager's Handbook for Software Development (from 1990 but quite a good reference)
» "The Nine Deadly Sins of Project Planning" (from IEEE Software)
» See Some Interesting Discussions on SD Mag's Project Mgmt & Process msg boards
» A PM Producivity Checklist
» 20 Secrets of Successful Project Management
» Optimizing Project Success by Matching Mgmt Style to Project Type
» Microsoft's "MS-Project" Team Eats Their Own Dog Food
» Project Clarity Through Stakeholder Analysis
» Project Scheduling According to Dr. Goldratt on Critical Chain scheduling
» Distributed Development: Insights, Challenges, and Solutions
» Seven Characteristics of Dysfunctional Software Projects
» Scope Creep: Mastering Morph Management
» The CHAOS Report from the Standish Group
» Niwot Ridge Resources, lots of good PM-related links
» NASA Change Control (cartoon)
» Project Management Proverbs
» PM Jokes
Getting a PM Job
* Project Management Career Search page at
» Ask These Questions before hiring a PM consultant from
» Career Development section
» "Careers in Project Management" at
» PMI Career HQ
» NYC PMI chapter's Career Corner
Job & Salary-Related Links
» Real IT Industry Salaries Good search function. (can use this to assign resource costs in your plan)
» (a Benefits function shows base+loading costs)
» 10 Reasons Why You Should Become a Great Project Leader
» Contracting: How Do You Rate?, IT Contractor mag article on salaries (shows PM jobs get highest $$)

Site maintained by John Musser. Questions or comments email me at:
Note that links to web sites from this page do not imply any endorsement from Columbia University and may not be cited as such.